Blacks In Amerika

revolution is change
upsettin de plans of de congressman
fitin against discrimination
finding solution for your

blacks ina 'merika
stop lookin ova de witeman shoulda
blacks ina washington
still livin on a slave plantation

blaks ina philly
stop actin silly

yuh afi organize
de presidency
ina d.c.

wid a cadalac an' a lincoln
yuh 'have notin to tink on
why not organize
use yuh money wise
help de lives of de young ones

so blacks ina new york
robbin each adda afta dark
blacks ina hollyweird
dont get scared

trespassin trespassin
yuh trespassin on de red man lan'
jus' as much as de witeman

jus organize
de presidency
ina d.c.

so blacks ina boston
stan against de klu klax klan
blacks in miami
plan yuh plan inteligently

blacks ina 'merika
rememba yuh marthyr
marcus malcom martin luther
blacks in de south
open yuh mouth an shout

blacks ina 'merika
fine yuh kulcha
yeh destiny is afrika
put whey yuh soda

trespassin trespassin
yuh trespassin on de red man lan'
jus' as much as de witeman

jus organize
de presidency
ina d.c.


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